Lars Olson shaking hands with Jameson Foreman after drafting the Foreign Policy.
Comrade Lars Olson, Deputy General Secretary of the Free Union, is a
loyal, and persistant official. His ability to govern is so up to par, the
great leader himself selected him to be his 2nd in command.
Lars Olson was born in the nation of Luxembourg on July the 27th 2007 to a
wealthy couple. Growing up, he enjoyed the luxuries of life, without ever
questioning how he had them.
But, after witnissing the terrible working conditions one of lowly workers
one day while visiting his father's factory he realized that his wealth
came at the expense of others. Feeling deep remorse, he emancipated
himself from his wealthy family, and joined the Workers' Party to help the
working class get the rights and wealth that they deserve.
After the successful revolution, and Chace's house was ceded to the party,
Lars steadily rose through the ranks of the Worker's Party due to his innovative
policies. Eventually, he was noticed